
Anna Grichting


Anna Grichting is a vocalist from Valais, currently based in Geneva where she performs with her trio Anna Jazz and Roses. Anna founded Desert Bridges with Cheo Jeffery Allen Solder, and performed with Gnawa musicians in Morocco, with Egyptian bedouin musicians, and with Swiss, American, Syrian, Indian and Qatari musicians for the inauguration of the Swiss Embassy in Qatar. She produced and performed with “Border Meetings”, with Martin Schütz, Lucas Niggli and Jean-Jacques Pedretti. With Pedretti and Robert Morgenthaler, she founded “Sufi Moon”, an encounter between jazz, alphorns and Qawwali music, playing concerts in Switzerland and Pakistan. She performed with “Songs Trio”, with pianist Michel Bastet and trombonist Jean-Jacques Pedretti and performed with Minimal X with Martin Wizard, Jean-Jacques Pedretti and Claude Tabarini and also sang with the Mad Hatters, a Rythmn and Blues band she co-founded in Geneva. Anna performed in solo on her balcony during the recent confinements.

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Anna is trained as an Architect, urbanist, and musician and she holds a Doctor of Design from Harvard University. Born in Switzerland, brought up in England and Ireland, Anna’s first musical encounters were with Celtic music. Back in Switzerland, she followed a classical musical training at the Conservatoire in Geneva and participated in training workshops in jazz and blues singing as well as classical Indian music. From her English pop and Irish Celtic influences, she turned to rhythm & blues with her group the “Mad Hatters”. During this time, she dabbled in French music-hall with the troupe “Batignolles” where she interpreted songs by Mistinguette. Later, she revived her interest in folk music, especially Indian, Pakistani and Celtic music, also exploring the world of improvised jazz and new technologies. Anna took courses in electro-acoustic composition for a spatial sound system and performed a sound architecture entitled Mouthpiece at Harvard University.


  • Artist in residence at the Heim Foundation in Geneva with writer and musician Cheo Jeffery Allen Solder. Development of the musical project Desert Bridges in Egypt and Morocco.

    Art der Anerkennung: Residenzen Erhalten im Jahr: 2010

  • ART-SCIENCE PROGRAM, IMERA. MEDITERRANEAN INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES MARSEILLE. Grant for a Residency with six international artists and scientists. The Cyprus GreenLineScapes Laboratory. A Digital and Dynamic Atlas of Ecological Cooperation

    Art der Anerkennung: Residenzen Erhalten im Jahr: 2014

  • WORLD KNOWLEDGE DIALOGUE. UNIVERSITIES OF TRIANGLE AZUR NETWORK SWITZERLAND. Interdisciplinarity in Action: A Practical Experience of Interdisciplinary Research. An Atlas Beyond Borders: Zones of Peace and Ecological Cooperation.

    Art der Anerkennung: Stipendien Erhalten im Jahr: 2010

  • CITY OF GENEVA, SWITZERLAND and CITY OF NYON, SWITZERLAND Cultural Grant for the Border Meetings Music Project. 1999.

    Art der Anerkennung: Stipendien Erhalten im Jahr: 1999

  • PROHELVETIA SWITZERLAND. UNESCO SWITZERLAND. SWISS AGENCY FOR DEVELOPMENT Cultural Grant for the Sufi Moon Cultural Laboratory, Switzerland/Pakistan. 2002.

    Art der Anerkennung: Stipendien Erhalten im Jahr: 2002

  • MINISTRY OF CULTURE OF THE STATE OF QATAR. SWISS EMBASSY IN QATAR Funding for the Cultural Exchange Project and Performance Desert Bridges with international musicians and artists. April 2013.

    Art der Anerkennung: Stipendien Erhalten im Jahr: 2013

  • CULTURAL AMBASSADOR FOR SWISS ABROAD. OUT OF VALAIS. Ambassador from the Canton of Valais living abroad for the Bicentennial celebrations of Valais joining the Swiss Confederation. Sion.

    Art der Anerkennung: Andere Erhalten im Jahr: 2015

  • SWISS BUSINESS COUNCIL QATAR. AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE. Award for Excellence bestowed by H.E. Ambassador to Switzerland in Qatar land Swiss Business Council Qatar for contributions to the bilateral ties between Switzerland and Qatar.

    Art der Anerkennung: Preise Erhalten im Jahr: 2018


  • Produced and supported by Ministry of Culture of Qatar with Desert Bridges.

    Art der Publikation: DVD Publiziert am: 09.11.2013 Verlag / Label / Vertrieb: Desert Bridges. Live at Qatar National Theater.

  • Produced and supported by Ministry of Culture of Qatar with Desert Bridges.

    Art der Publikation: CD Publiziert am: 09.11.2013 Verlag / Label / Vertrieb:

  • Spiritual Pakistani Qawwali from the Sufi Shrines meets archaic Swiss jazzy alphorns around the many spheres and territories of the Moon. Sufi Moon performed in venues in Switzerland & Pakistan.

    Art der Publikation: CD Publiziert am: 25.10.2005 Verlag / Label / Vertrieb: SUFI MOON CD. Planisphare

  • An exlporative journey through physical and psychological boundaries through musical improvisations and spoken words

    Art der Publikation: CD Publiziert am: 01.06.2000 Verlag / Label / Vertrieb: BORDERMEETINGS CD. Altri Suoni



Booking Kontakt

Anna Grichting

Telefon 0041774632795


Anna Grichting


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