
music & culture

2001 Bonzzaj was birth in a small city called Leuk embedded in the swiss canton of Valais, a stone’s throw away from ticino and italy, a place distinguishing itself through excellent wines, rugged mountains, much sun and some sort of desert-like lonelyness.

A bunch of people startet organising concerts and partys in special location's like the beautiful castle of Leuk in Valais. The sucess of the Bonzzaj nights was great and a strong company of people (djs, producers, music lovers) was growing up. Later, Bonzzaj started hosting a radioshow on Radio Rabe in Berne and startet the clubnights "Play more Jazz" at Sous-Soul and "NEAT" at Formbar in Berne. In Basel the are responsible for the "Bon Voyage sessions" at the Cargo Bar. Over the years there have been many guests like Earl Zinger, Mark de Clive-Lowe, Dimlite, Titonton Duvante, Mike Huckaby, Basic Soul Unit, Mono/Poly, Clara Hill, etc.

In 2006 they started their own Label Bonzzaj Recordings and built a plattform...


3953 Leuk-Stadt ÖV Fahrplan

Institution / Organisation


music & culture
3953 Leuk-Stadt

ÖV Fahrplan

Im Rampenlicht


Und weiter geht's! Ein neues Jahr, ein neues Glück. Was dich im neuen Jahr in den Oberwalliser Kulturhäusern erwartet, findest du in dieser Übersicht ! ...

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Kultur Wallis
Rue de Lausanne 45
CH-1950 Sitten
+41 (0)27 606 45 69

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