
Phil Bucher


shooting my HOMELAND is mostly defined by stunning landscapes and beautiful mountains. still, i like to take an approach that's not all about the result. i am not looking to take the perfect picture! it is the quest for an alternative perspective that keeps me hooked. for me this change of perspective happens while hiking or being outside. it takes time, could be cold, wet and tiring. but it is away from civilisation with challenging conditions when the magic happens. hope you feel it too!

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shooting my HOMELAND is mostly defined by stunning landscapes and beautiful mountains. still, i like to take an approach that's not all about the result. i am not looking to take the perfect picture! it is the quest for an alternative perspective that keeps me hooked. for me this change of perspective happens while hiking or being outside. it takes time, could be cold, wet and tiring. but it is away from civilisation with challenging conditions when the magic happens. hope you feel it too!



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Booking Kontakt

phil bucher
Ueberlandstrasse 2
3900 Brig



Phil Bucher


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Und weiter geht's! Ein neues Jahr, ein neues Glück. Was dich im neuen Jahr in den Oberwalliser Kulturhäusern erwartet, findest du in dieser Übersicht ! ...

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Dieses Merkblatt legt die allgemeinen und spezifischen Kriterien fest, die es für verschiedene Bereiche erlauben, eine Person als „professionelle Kulturschaffende“ anzuerkennen. Ein Fachwörterverzeichnis erklärt ausserdem den Gebrauch von wichtigen Ausdrücken.

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Die Professionalitätskriterien


Kultur Wallis
Rue de Lausanne 45
CH-1950 Sitten
+41 (0)27 606 45 69

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